Thursday, 27 November 2008

IF: Opinion

Haven't done Illustration Friday for a while now. Haven't done much of anything around here for a while now so here's a comic just for you. (click to fullsize this baby)

It's inspired by Warcraft a little. Everyone has an opinion about what you should be doing with your points and gear.

This was a bit of an experiment to see if I could colour a whole comic in Adobe Illustrator. It's not too bad even if I haven't got the hang of things like 'shading' yet. Could be worse.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

I Return

Sorry I've been away so long. Well I'm not that sorry, but you understand. I was working and it got on top of me.

I've not been doing any drawing (lame I know) but here is a comic I was working on over the summer. I only did 7 pages and I am contemplating starting over as I don't really think it's particularly well written (or drawn but that's another matter).

I'll leave it up to you to judge